Dancing With Spirit – Clearing Your Aura

Praise be to you, O God!
Like the dawn that wakens life on earth,
Your healing light drives darkness out –
Ignites in us a holy birthrth

With purpose, strong and pure,
We cast impurities away;
We bring the living light of God
Into ourselves today.

We seldom center our focus or energy upon ourselves. We find it hard to love ourselves, be proud of ourselves, or concern ourselves with our own needs. We are constantly projecting our energy outward toward others. In this self-clearing technique the focus is upon you. When you are cleared of negativity you can better serve others.

Incorporate this dynamic self-clearing process into your life.

I call this practice -DANCING WITH SPIRIT- and it can be used by anyone and can take less than a minute or as long as you wish.

I do this in the morning as part of my morning ritual, just as brushing my teeth in readying myself for the day. I may also do this upon waking or before sleep, or any other time I feel a need.

Preparation for this self-empowering, centering, clearing and balancing technique, requires very little preparation, or done with planned meditation set up with ambiance.

Remember the psychiatrists and doctors who like to say -It’s all in your mind-. Well, illnesses do often start in the mind, and this simple act of clearing your aura helps to prevent negative energies from manifesting or staying in the mind as negative thinking, or in the body as illness, or in the spirit as loss of vital energy.

It helps to diminish or remove present illnesses of body, mind and spirit, or helps you cope better with whatever you are dealing with. Clearing your aura should be done daily or more often if moved to do so.

This practice also will help you stay in your own space and be in the NOW whenever you feel the need. Clear yourself while you are preparing food, eating, before you sleep, and other situations.

FOR A SPUR OF THE MOMENT CLEARING: ( Done after a trip to the store, after a confrontation, watching television, or any stressful situation.

1. Follow this simple technique at any moment, day or night, when you are feeling as if something negative has entered your space.
2. Find a private area-home, car, bathroom.
3. Emphatically set an intention to clear your aura and body of all negativity. I like to make it a prayer.
4. State, -May all negativities be taken where they will do no harm.-
5. Slowly clear your aura of negativity with your hands or mind. Focus. Think -clear-, and with a sense of love, start from the top of your head and slowly, rhythmically as though dancing with spirit let your hands or mind, take over to work through the aura surrounding you, casting negativity downward and off your body.
6. Relax. Take a deep breath. Let your intuition and hands guide you.
7. When you come to an irregularity, whether felt or sensed, smooth it out. I sometimes do an erasing movement, and I also grab and toss. Keep smoothing it out. It is very relaxing and I love doing this. I feel so good when I am finished.
8. You may feel irregularities, sense a wall that momentarily halts the movement, or feel something cold, hot, thick, tingling, or even an emptiness, just to name a few of the possible sensations. Or you may feel nothing. This does not mean that nothing is there. It just means you are not yet able to feel energy. Do it anyway.
9. If you are incapacitated in anyway and are unable to perform this sustained physical action, see yourself doing it with your imagination. Or stand in a shower and let the water flow over you with a clearing intention.


1. Put on some relaxing music. Light a candle. Wrap in a warm blanket. Lay down.
2. Settle yourself comfortably.
3. Emphatically set an intention to clear your aura and body of all negativity.
4. Ask that all negativities be taken where they will not do harm.
5. Listen to the music.
6. Feel the music and move with it, or simply imagine you are dancing amongst the northern lights or something similar.
7. Slowly clear your aura of negativity with your hands or mind. Focus. Think -clear- and with a sense of love, start from the top of your head and slowly, rhythmically, with your hands, work through the aura surrounding you, casting negativity downward and off your body.
8. Relax. Take a deep breath. Let your intuition or hands guide you.
9. You may feel irregularities, sense a wall that momentarily halts the movement, or feel something cold, hot, thick, tingling, or even an emptiness, just to name a few of the possible sensations. You may feel nothing. This does not mean that nothing is there. It just means you are not yet able to feel energy. Do it anyway.
10. When you come to an irregularity, whether felt or sensed, smooth it out. I sometimes do an erasing movement, and I also grab and toss. Keep smoothing it out. It is very relaxing and I love doing this. I feel so good when I am finished.
11. If something doesn’t seem to want to clear out, command it to leave. If it still doesn’t want to move out, ask if its presence remains for your highest good. If it persists and feels right, let it stay. If your intuition tells you differently, emphatically demand that it leave. It will leave.
12. Continue to relax, while listening to the music. There is always a sense of peace and lightness within one self when this is done.

2007-Mary Ann Johnston
